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A Wonderful Tree Made From Driftwood DIY

A rustic tree that is made from driftwood or branches from the nearby river or woods is a great project for any time of  year.  This DIY project is easy and, most likely, free if you already have all the supplies.  Hang lights on it for Christmas or Halloween, eggs at Easter, hearts on Valentine’s Day, or whatever you like.  Thanks to Sustain My Craft Habit for the awesome idea.

You may have seen our Friday Five roundup of DIY Driftwood Christmas Decor. We have to confess that there was one other project idea that we loved but didn’t include: a creative and simple tabletop driftwood Christmas tree from DIY Driftwood. We didn’t include it because the bug hit us and we decided we wanted to make our own full-sized tree to sit on the front porch of our parents’ new home!

What you will need:

  • a good collection of thicker pieces of driftwood in various lengths. Ours ranged from 4 inches to 4 feet.
  • a rod of some sort for the center of the tree. We had thin yellow metal rods from an old chimney sweeping kit. You could use anything that’s thick and sturdy enough to hold all that driftwood.
  • a strong base to hold up your creation. We cut a small stump from a thick branch of a fallen Ash tree from a recent storm.
  • a drill with a bit that’s a touch larger than the diameter of the center rod.

The concept for this type of tree is pretty simple:

  1. Arrange your driftwood from longest to shortest having enough pieces to reach your desired height.
  2. Drill holes in the mid-point of each piece of driftwood, making sure the holes are large enough for your center rod to go through.
  3. Starting with your longest, spear each piece of driftwood until you are done. And voila, you have a tree!

Check out our growing driftwood tree in this fun little video.


Images from Sustain My Craft Habit.

For the full instructions visit Sustain My Craft Habit.

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