DIY PalletsEverything

These DIY Bike Racks Made From Wooden Pallets Are Genius

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Wooden pallets, where have you been all my life?  These DIY Bike Racks are just the right thing for parking your bike.  No more lifting that heavy bike to hang from a hook in the ceiling (I’m always bumping my head). This is a sturdy but a not space hogging way to store one or a few bikes. Thank you to 1001 Pallets.

Due to the shape and form of a wooden pallet, it’s the perfect raw material to make a simple and cheap bike rack. The slats of the pallet are spaced far enough apart – but not too far apart – to hold a bicycle wheel.


This image is from the man himself, Bob Vila.

Featured image from Cheap Pallets.

To see more great ideas on DIY bike rack from wooden pallets, go to 1001 Pallets.

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