Turn Dining Chairs Into A Lovely Bench DIY
I can’t wait to get this bench on my front porch. Thrifts stores always have dining chairs available which you need for this DIY project. I think carved wood molding or trim would look beautiful as the back rest. Thanks to My Love 2 Create for the fun and fresh idea.
Wow, life has been so busy, and guess what? It don’t think it will be slowing down….EVER!But I am good with that! We are gearing up for back to school in a couple of weeks and I know my kids are excited, even it they won’t admit it! My oldest will be a freshman in high school and I am declaring myself officially OLD, how did this happen?! Fun times ahead…As far as projects go I am trying to get back on track after vacations, family stuff, and friends visiting. So, I thought I would pull out a post that was first on My Repurposed Life a few months back, some old chairs into a new bench….See, fun!I picked these up last year in a junk pile for our city’s spring clean up. Obviously one spindle was missing, and the seats were…well UGLY, and gross.
I have made a promise (to my husband) to clean off the back patio, which is filled with free furniture I have collected. I sold a bunch for dirt cheap and saw these poor little chairs and decided it was time to make them awesome.
I looked under and saw that the seats were stapled on, so I pried them off with a crow bar. The nails were sticking up everywhere so I hammered off the triangles, since they wouldn’t be necessary with what I had planned.After some thinking, I decided that since I couldn’t replace the missing spindle, I would cut them all out and do something else. I used my Roybi Sawzall and they were off in seconds, love this tool. Then I gathered some scrap boards to make a bench!