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Make Your Home Smell Inviting With DIY Chai Candles

Chai tea has a wonderful aroma and reminds me of fall.  This DIY chai candle recipe is perfect to make you space feel warm and cozy.  The great thing about making your own candles is that you can choose your candle container.  A tea cup, a carved out pumpkin, a spice jar or a hallowed out piece of wood.  Thanks to Dreams, Create for the great idea.

Have you ever looked for Chai candles? Well I’ll spare you the search, you will never find one! Aside from going to India or ordering one off the internet with a questionable scent there aren’t many options….. Until today!!!! Rejoice!! This is very cheap, very easy, and if my hopes and dreams had a scent, this would be it! Dream it, create it!


Images from Design, Create.

For the full instructions visit Design, Create.

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