CraftsEverythingHome Decor

Store Your Knives on a Rustic Wall Rack

I have friends who have a long magnet attached to a wall in their kitchen with their many knives hanging on it. I’ve always admired it for several reasons. One, I like the way it looks. There’s something appealing about the way the knives look, hanging there, especially how my friends hung theirs in a graduated pattern.

Another reason I like to store knives this way is that you can find the one you want quickly and it keeps knives sharper than storing them in a drawer where the edges get dull hitting other knives. If you store your knives in a block, like I do, then this will clear up counter space.

This is a cute design that uses reclaimed wood so you can use any old piece of wood you may have or pick up one somewhere.

What you’ll need:

  • Wood board, 15 inches by 3½ inches
  • Sandpaper
  • Tape measure
  • Trigger clamps, optional
  • Power drill
  • 1-inch round Forstner bit
  • 1-inch round ceramic magnets, 54
  • Gel adhesive
  • Drill bit, 5/32
  • 2½-inch wall mounting screws, 2

Find the complete instructions from Tim and Mary on the eHow Home Blog.




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