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A Genius Idea For Covering Ugly Baseboards DIY

Why tear out existing baseboards if it’s not necessary?  This DIY baseboard cover idea will definitely save you some time.  You don’t want to cover it but still need a change?  Apply a thin baseboard above the existing one and paint both the new and old boards.  It will blend into perfection.  Thanks to Mrs. Do It Herself for the idea.

Baseboards over baseboards… over baseboards.  I’ve always had a hate/hate relationship with the baseboards in our house.  I wanted white and beautiful and this house has ugly brown.

When we had the new tile put down in our kitchen, I told the tile guy not to worry about putting the baseboards or quarter round down, because I wanted to so something different with them.  Imagine my surprise when I got home from work and realized he didn’t remove the baseboards… he just tiled right up to them! And wasn’t even clean and neat about it.

After some choice words and a call to my mom… she said, “Well, I’m sure you’ll figure something out.”  Words of encouragement right there folks, haha.  But it worked, and it lit a fire under me, so I started researching.

I decided what I could do was a “fake baseboard”… Have you seen these?


Images from Mrs. Do It Herself.

For the full instructions visit Mrs. Do It Herself.

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