
Delightful Double Dark Merlot Cookies DIY

Moving on to unique cookie recipe #4.  This DIY recipe includes two of my favorite things on this planet:  chocolate and wine.  I cannot wait to make these for my cookie exchange.  I think I say that every time I post a new recipe!  What can I say other than I like to eat.  Thanks to Simply Scratch for an awesome recipe.

I was only a smidgen scared but mostly excited to make these cookies. I didn’t know exactly what I was in for, but I had to try it out. The night before while I was editing photos and sipping on a glass of wine, as I reached for my dark chocolate chocolove bar {that I keep under my computer monitor just for this very reason}, I had an idea. What would it taste like to have a dark chocolate cookie spiked with wine? Could it be done? Of course it could be done… there are stout cakes out there for crying out loud! Why couldn’t I make a cookie?

You should totally smell these suckers, better yet… you should taste them! Absolutely unbelievable I tell you. I’m not usually a fan of a cookie straight out of the oven, in fact I’ve always loved them the next day with the chocolate chips are hardened a little. But I couldn’t help myself! It must have been breathing in all that chocolate-wine aroma may have gotten me a little buzzed! I kid, but in all honesty the final baked cookie, you won’t so much taste the wine, it’s sort of like how coffee accentuates chocolate, well so does the wine. It kind of makes it “pop” so to speak.


Images from Simply Scratch.

For the entire recipe Simply Scratch.

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