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DIY Cute Log Snowman Statue

What a fun and cute project to do with the kids!  Any shaped log or piece of wood will do for this DIY snowman.  You can find firewood at some grocery stores.  This will give your kiddos something to work on over Thanksgiving break.  No two will be alike!  Thanks to Hip 2 Save for keeping us busy.

If you’re on the lookout for some cheap and super cute Christmas decorations then these snowmen might just be your answer! They are really easy to make and the best part is they don’t cost much either! 🙂

You will need…

* Two small logs or fence post or any piece of wood really ( I used small logs)
* Two hats and a scarf (I used 1 scarf and cut it in half)
* Black, & orange, acrylic paint (pink for the cheeks is optional) and white paint.
(If you will have these outside, use an exterior paint… I just used an exterior primer)
* Small paint brushes and a large brush for white paint.
* Pen or pencil to trace the face and buttons.
* Drop cloth or something to paint on.


Images from Hip 2 Save.

For the full instructions visit Hip 2 Save.




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