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How to Hang Pictures Perfectly The First Time

I sure wish I’d known this trick about three weeks ago when I tried to hang four pictures in a grid. I’d just bought these nice pictures at a garage sale and wanted to hang them all together. After numerous re-dos and many holes in the wall, I finally got them up.

Turns out that careful measuring didn’t do the trick. They’re still not as completely straight with even spacing between them as I’d like (I tend to be somewhat anal about that kind of stuff) but I finally quit when they got close enough.

Turns out there is a tool made exactly for this purpose. It’s simple and  ingenious, called Hang and Level.

hang and level tool-DIYscoop.com

You hang your picture on the tool, hold it on the wall to get the proper placement, then remove the picture and press a tab to mark the spot where the nail or hanger should go.

how hang and level works- DIYscoop.com

The only hangup is – it costs $20. That would make sense if I were hanging a house full of pictures but not for just one grid.

So Kelly, from View Along the Way, figured out a way to do the same thing with a paint stick! It’s easy, fast, you probably have what you need on hand, and it gets the job done right. Take a look at her blog because she has pictures showing exactly what to do.

Image sources: View Along the Way, Under the Roof Decorating


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