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A Cute And Cozy Sweater Lampshade DIY

Get ready to make your home more cozy with this DIY sweater lampshade.  I like this idea for my bedroom especially after I get my flannel sheets and down comforter on my bed.  This project is sewing free, easy and inexpensive.  Thanks to The Everyday Home for the creative and comfy project.

It’s that time of year again.

Yes, yes…we all know it’s the New Year.

And…the time of year when you’re taking down Christmas

decorations and purging closets and cabinets and drawers.

But, it’s also another time of year.


Well, duh!  Laughing

It’s when the house looks bare after all the bling and

glitter from the Holidays.  Things look a little empty and

not so cozy and – well, Baby It’s Cold Outside.

So… I joined with five other fabulous ladies to bring you

Six No-Sew Ways to Cozy Up Your Home!

I’ll share their links at the end.

I hit up the Thrift Store, and found this fabulous

cableknit sweater.  Marked at $5.90, plus it was 15% off.

I searched for a size Small.

I realize this is a “No-Sew” Showcase, but I took it one step further.

It’s also no-glue.  Surprised

I cut off the sleeves and the collar, saving as much of the

body of the sweater as possible.


Images from The Everyday Home.

For further instructions visit The Everyday Home.

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