
Devine Root Beer Float Cupcakes DIY

If you are a root beer float lover this cupcake is for you.  This DIY recipe has root beer in the cake and the frosting.  Add a scoop of vanilla ice cream to make it taste even better.  Cupcakes that are different than the usual flavor are always fun to make.  Thanks to Shibley Smiles for the recipe.

Rootbeer is one of those things that brings back a special memory in our house. For that reason alone I love this Root Beer Float Cupcake Recipe. The memory goes like this: My husband, daughter, and I were at Panda Express. My daughter was probably 3-4 years old at the time and we had ordered her a kids meal. She got to choose what she wanted to drink and she said, “Daddy I want Fruit Beer!” So in our house it isn’t Root Beer it is Fruit Beer!


Images from Shibley Smiles.

For the entire recipe visit Shibley Smiles.

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