DIY Cool Wine Glass Cozy Coasters
These DIY wine glass cozy coasters are a fun way to keep track of your glass and protect your furniture at the same time. This is another project that uses a sewing machine but hot glue would work just as well. It’s a great gift idea. Thanks to Muslin and Merlot for the clever idea.
Flannel works best for this project, but feel free to substitute any 100% cotton fabric of your choice. Tutorial is for four coasters.You will need:
- Either 1/2 yard of flannel fabric or 1/3 yard EACH of 2 flannel fabrics washed and ironed
- Coordinating thread
- Old CD or Circle Template
- Cardstock
- Pen
- Scissors
- Chopstick, retractable pen, Popsicle stick or anything else that will help round out the inside curves
- Iron
1. Print out this Circle Template or find an old CD, a pen and some stiff paper/cardboard. Spend a few minutes reminiscing about the songs you used to cry to during freshman year. Remember Counting Crow’s “Long December”?After reminiscing, use the CD to trace a circle on the stiff paper. Cut out the circle. Congratulations, you have made your own template!Use the template to draw circles on the fabric. Draw the circles as closely together as possible. You will need 5 circles per coaster. If you are using 2 different fabrics, cut 3 circles of one fabric and 2 of the other. Cut out the circles.2. You should have 5 circles. Iron 4 circles exactly in half. Set aside the 5th circle.

Images from Muslin and Merlot.
For the full instructions visit Muslin and Merlot.