
Plan A Fun Date Night With The Toss Of Dice DIY

It’s date night and neither of you can decide where to go or what to do.  These DIY date night dice are the perfect solution.  Use one die for a food option and the other for an activity you both enjoy.  If you want more options use dice with more sides.  Thanks to Oleander and Palm for the fun idea.

These DIY Date Night Dice are sure to make some memorable date combinations. We’ve been making an effort to spend more intentional time together as a couple, but often coming up with a plan is the hardest part. Roll the dice and let lady luck decide for you. One die selects a fun meal destination and the other chooses an activity for the evening.  These dice will be sure to get you out of rut and having some fun date adventures together.

_date night dice 1


Images from Oleander and Palm.

For the full instructions visit Oleander and Palm.

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